Life’s Jewels Collection

The inspiration behind this collection sparked while Bri was visiting the country Greece for 1.5 months to create art. She was fascinated by all of the geometric architecture and how artistically the roads, sidewalks, and pathways were designed with various shaped stones and bricks that have been there for generations. With the age of the architecture she particularly noticed all the cracks within the stones, bricks, and concrete. To Bri those cracks had a unique beauty to them. The architecture had endured many seasons, storms, and a rich history of culture and people living & visiting the beautiful country. Bri wanted to capture the beauty of the geometric designs and the cracks that had become apart of them over time.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Eccelesiastes 3:11

Custom Life Jewel Sketch

Want a custom sketch personally created for you by Bri in this style? Bri is currently accepting commissions! Submit the form below and Bri will be in touch with you soon! 🤩💎✍️